
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sonogram Picture

And here you have him/her! This was done last Monday and it was so refreshing to see a baby on there. I can't believe how well you can see the facial profile. I never had a sonogram so early with either Hannah or Mallorie, so this was very exciting. I've had three sonograms now and man the baby changes so fast. Going from looking like a tiny nonhuman bouncing thing in your belly, to starting to take on the shape of a real baby! I entered my second trimester this week and feel a bit of relief because they say you can breathe a little easier after you pass the first trimester.

My sweet little one is still asking if this one is going to die, too. It pains me to think that she is even thinking about it, but I guess we need to start praying about it together to give her and even me a little peace. I can't say that I'm completely comfortable that something tragic won't happen, but I know that I have no control over it, so what happens happens.

I'll hopefully have some more good news within the next month. Whether it's a boy or a girl we'll be happy. Of course we want a son, but I don't know what to do with a boy, I only have a sister and had only a short supply of boy cousins that I was not close to at all. Girls are fun and I definitely wouldn't mind having another one. Of course we have our suspicions about what it is this time, but we'll see for sure in a few weeks.
Have a blessed week...

1 comment:

Olson Family said...


The picture is perfect! Are you feeling okay???