If you can believe it, we've been living here for 6 months. It doesn't seem like it's been that long, but I just counted on my fingers and it's true. Can't argue with fingers after all. Anyway, that wasn't my point, my point was that I haven't hung a single thing on my walls for fear of getting a huge penalty against our deposit when we move out (like we did at our last rental house). The other day I decided our house was starting to look a bit too much like a bachelor's pad so I went to Kirkland's and had some fun. Not too much fun, mind you, I like to be frugal. So when I got there I noticed that several pieces in the color Rusty and I like were on super clearance, so I bought them with my little cash stash.
This wasn't the item that I wanted first, but now I am glad I got it. We have so many straight lines in this house that a round design works well in this room. Plus we found an awesome deal on a round table on Craigslist this weekend and bought it, so now it makes even better sense.
I also got this print for less than twenty. I don't know what it is about trees, but it's all I ever buy when I buy art. I got rid of a huge picture of trees in black and white before we moved here because I thought to myself that it was time to move away from the tree theme, but I just can't. I don't know what it is. I also got another painting at Kirkland's for the living room..... it's tree trunks. Imagine that. I need help. I'll take a picture of it when it gets hung.
Okay, about the table from Craigslist. Rusty and I have been scouring furniture stores, internet and many other places looking for an affordable dining room table that we can all sit at. Our breakfast table only sits three currently because of the precious movers who broke one. But anyway, we finally found one that we both loved. Which is a huge accomplishment in itself! Rusty loves a more modern look with clean lines while I love a traditional feel.(Like I have said before, I call it Old Lady Chic) SO, it needs a little TLC, but I kind of like that. I have never reupholstered before, but I am excited.
Another very awesome piece of the purchase was what we found out after getting the table home. We looked up the table with the serial number printed on it and found out that the table is still being sold at Ashley's and is worth well over $2000!! We paid so much, much, much less than that, infact so much less that I feel a bit guilty! The chairs were so dirty when he got them to our house, so we have been working on getting them cleaned up. Now they look almost brand new, well except for the two chair rips, into leather....why would someone treat their furniture like this? I just don't get it. All that work makes me feel not feel so guilty, but still, WHY???
This weekend we had brunch and then lunner, all in one day. Rusty's dream day, ha! But seriously, I made home made biscuits for the first time ever and they turned out so cute and yummy! I love the way they turned out and I think I will use my big heart shape cutter for Ava's birthday and make these again.In other important news, Hannah has glasses. Only they aren't prescription and they are only for looks. Why you ask....who knows. Hannah is funny like that and she thinks they are the best thing since sliced bread. She even wears them when going to bed and acts like she needs them. This is so Rusty's kid.
And finally, Ava sends a shout out. We went on our once a week lunch date today to celebrate all the big kids being back in school. We found a cool sandwich shop next door to a HUGE antique store and had a great time together. By the way, the kid is doing so well on her re-potty training. After traveling for two holidays in a row, she got pretty dependent on diapers again, so I am getting rid of them again, and so far she doing great! Plus her vocabulary is suddenly blossoming and she can finally communicate when she really needs to go! She's also been saying two and three word phrases lately. I was starting to get concerned that she was falling behind in her language development, but once she got it, she got it. Now she talks constantly about everything! I'll post a video later of her saying her ABC's and counting, if she'll cooperate! It's quite funny!
Well, I'm off to cook dinner and play with my munchkins! Hope you all y'all are having a lovely week!
She looks so cute in glasses! Makes her look so grown up.
Hannah is a cutie! Love the glasses. Those biscuits look so fluffy and delicious...mmmm. Kirklands sounds like a good place to shop...like the wall hangings.
Of course, I checked out the table & chairs on the internet. Nice! Slipcovers for chairs could possibly be a quick inexpensie fix for now. Good post!!! Love ya MOM
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