
Saturday, December 5, 2009


I was just playing around in Lightroom tonight and thought I'd share. I shot these this morning as we were dropping them off at school. They were in such good moods. Well, everyone except for Ava, she was grouchy, but that's okay. You'll see her picture, she didn't want to look at me and in one I get the stink-eye.

This was the real reason we were taking pics this morning. The big kids sung this morning and I had to post a pic of Hannah. Man! All these kids were so tiny not so long ago, they are so big now! There is one fourth grader that is as tall as me. Yikes!!

Tomorrow we're supposed to get rain, which I hope we actually do. I would love to see the rain! I keep hearing that people in Texas are seeing snow. I am so jealous. I want to go experience the snow again so bad. We are hoping to go up the mountains this winter and let the kids play. Photo ops!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


Anonymous said...

The first four shots are lovely; and I love the new layout! The signature thing is WAY cool.

Anonymous said...

such beautiful girls!!!!
Love MiMi

Mandijo said...

Great pictures Sarah! Looks like you are having some fun with that new camera. Oh how I wish I had Lightroom......