
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mood Swings & Thunder Thighs (An Epic Tale of Baby)

Well, I tried getting Ava's 11 month pic, but she wasn't having it. I will try again tomorrow. She's been a bit grouchy lately. I'm not sure why, but I know that I am ready for her to get over it!

First she cries. Not unusual for a baby. She's not usually cranky, but we all have our days.

Then she's like this. Stiffening up her body so she doesn't have to sit down and smiling all the while. Mood swings and thunder thighs! That should be the name of a new baby soap opera.

Monday, Rusty was off and Becky was still here visiting so we decided to head up to Hollywood to have some fun. Becky and Rusty had never seen the Chinese Grauman Theater where all the movie stars have their hand prints. We had a lot of fun even though it was pouring rain on us and we forgot all of our umbrellas. Smart, huh?
I added this next picture just because I thought it turned out so cool. I was riding in the back of the van and got very bored, so I was playing with my camera. This pic just turned out so cool! (We're driving through a tunnel)

Anyway, back to Hollywood. At the El Capitan Theater they were showing the original Dumbo movie because it is the 70 year anniversary of it. We went and watched it and had so much fun. Like I mentioned earlier, it was pouring rain, so I didn't take my camera, so I have no pictures. However, next time we go, and we will be going again, I will take pictures!

On Sunday we went to the beach. Becky, Mally, Me and Ava did anyway. We were church skippers! Scandalous.
Anywho, we knew it was going to be rainy all week and Becky needed her beach fix while she was here. So we went down there for just a little while and I let Ava enjoy the sand a little. She did great! Not one bite was taken of sand.

We decided Mallorie looked quite Amish in this next picture. I just thought I would throw that in there.

Ava has been so bad lately. NOT horrible bad, but pulling my hair, screaming, and she threw her first tantrum recently. Who stole my peaceful baby and gave me this one in return? Yikes! Today we went to TJ Maxx and I was sharing my Jamba Juice with her and she would only drink out of it if I let her hold it. It's not that I didn't expect this independence to happen eventually, but I guess it just seems like it came out of nowhere. She's a toot!

Here's the little Amish girl again, building her foot castle.

Oh, and this has been our hairstyle of choice lately for Miss Ava. I love the little pigtales. She hasn't pulled them out yet, so I am going to continue to do this until she stops letting me.

Well, we don't have much on the update front, we're truly just that boring. We're having some amazing rain storms here, which are wonderful for the fact that they clean our air and water our ground. Horrible to drive in though, but I can get over that. Our grass has never been greener!
I hope you have great rest of the week. Becky's going home today and we will miss her a lot, it was fun to see her again!

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