My little strawberry choppin, sassy two year old is turning three in just under two weeks! The kiddo is so fun right now, she's bossy, opinionated, and loud, but so are all of us. She fits in well around the Brown house! We aren't doing anything too crazy for her birthday, probably just dinner and then a day that she chooses what we do. Also, we signed her up for ballet that starts next week. I bought her shoes and tutu and she is so excited to start. She already decided that all the girls there are her best friends.

Do you remember when I bought those beat down dining room chairs off of Craig's List last year and said I wanted to recover them? Well, I finally started. It took a LONG time for me to decide what I wanted to do. My first thought was using a nice burlap and then stencil in a big "B" on the back in a script type font, but I never could find the right burlap. Plus, I didn't know how well it would hold up long term. Then one night I went into JoAnn's and found fabric marked down twice that everyone in the house loved (except me), so I bought it. Thankfully now that it's on the chairs I like it.
Anyway, here is one of the chairs before with half of the nail head already removed:
Here is one of the chairs after:
Everytime I see it I think "Not my gumdrop buttons" like the cookie from Shrek. But the colors are nice and I like that the nail heads are now only on the back.
I hope to do a "how-to" post after I completely finish. It's a definite time zapper getting all the nails and staples out, but I'm having a blast getting them done. I'm also going to refinish the table top. I don't know if I ever showed you that piece, but it's very pretty with deep knicks all around it like kids were beating their silverware on the table. Weird. But if you remember the chairs were disgusting when we got them and now they're starting to look like there is some new life being breathed into them, so I know there is hope for the table.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Happy Super Bowl...(it is a national holiday now, right?? ha)
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