I realize that I forgot to post any pictures of Ava's actual birthday, so here are a few. We went to Cheesecake factory for her lunch and had a blast with her. Then afterwards, Rusty and I ran in to Whole Foods (which is my absolute FAVORITE store here) and grabbed a German Chocolate Cake for her birthday dinner that night. I'm so glad I didn't got with a Dora Cake or something similar, I hate the icing on those cakes, it always tastes to oily and the kids won't eat it anyway. Yuck!
Rusty's car at the moment is this super cute Lexus convertible, so we tried taking her down our street with the top down, but it was just a little too chilly for that. This weekend should be pretty warm, so we might have to give it another try. She didn't care too much for the car though, the back seat only has about an inch of leg room. Come to think of it, I don't know why they even put back seats in this car.
This is what we did with the rest of the sunshiny birthday. And this is her version of "riding" the scooter. She thinks she's such big stuff!
I loved having Rusty home on Monday. All the kids were extra feisty that day, so he came up with a wonderful project for them....picking up trash around the cul-de-sac! They did not think it was such a wonderful idea, but did as they were told. We don't know how that junk accumulates, but it's mostly those sale ads and junk that gardeners come put on your front doors. I guess the wind blows it around, but it was starting to look junky and it's been bothering us for a while.
I cannot describe to you how perfect the weather here has been, so we've been taking full advantage of it while it's here. I kind of have a feeling we aren't done seeing the nasty winter weather, but we shall see. Everyday after school, the kids quickly get their homework done and then we just run outside and play until dark. Bikes, scooters, skateboards, they play until they're worn out and have a lot of fun. I am so glad we got this house on the cul-de-sac so that we have so much less traffic. It has truly been a blessing!
Today we got to enjoy our park down the street. Hannah and Mallorie rode their bikes while I drove behind them with the two little kids. I was so afraid that the little guy I watch would get away from me on his bike while I had Ava in her stroller. Not to mention Ava likes to climb out of her stroller while you're pushing her, so I just decided to forgo that possibility and drove behind Hannah and Mallorie. They felt so big and did a great job stopping and watching for cars.
My sweet Mally. There was a time when she ran from my camera. Thankfully she got over it, she's so pretty and I love getting pics of her smiling face!
Ava found another little kid to play with while at the park. His name was Jack and so she would keep looking for him and yelling his name. I couldn't help but laugh at the cuteness of it all. He was a few months younger than she, but about the same size, so they had a lot of fun climbing and going down the slide together.
Hannah wasn't too interested in playing, but I was able to catch a few pretty pictures. While I was getting this picture of her it reminded me of when I got my first "fancy" camera (a Canon Rebel X film) when she was little bitty and I took pictures of her on our playground at the apartments at our college. She's certainly grown up a lot since then, but that face is still the same. I'll have to find those old pictures and scan them sometime, I'd like to do some side by sides of her. Of all my kids, she seems to be the one who has changed the least since she was a toddler.
So much for trying to get a picture of them together today, ha! Ava wasn't having it, she wanted to go find her buddy, Jack.
And if you don't do what she wants then she turns into a MONSTER!!!
I don't know what we'll be doing this weekend. I'm kind of wanting to take a road trip, but we'll see. Rusty gets to be off work on Monday again while the girls have to go to school and I am looking forward to getting some much needed extra time with him. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Such wonderful pics. The Brown girls are all growing up so fast!
Thanks for sharing. Isn't the warmer weather WONDERFUL! Love you all. MiMi.
wow their getting so big. Beautiful Family. So Glad your happy and Truly blessed. Miss you and the Family. Blessing love Roz
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